Magic Fountains

Wealth spell with The fountain of Barenton 11$

Merlin the enchanter in Broceliande
The Fountain of Barenton, where Merlin met Viviane!
Spell for wealth!
The water, the sources, magic fountains since the antiquity and the middle ages were always the object of faiths and beliefs.
Fountains nourish the earth and are in connection with the death, in connection with the divine strengths and the sky.
The water of this fountain is the main ingredient of this spell. I will ship it in a small bottle you will keep and use.
I listed in 2016 the most interesting fountains and collected several water cansisters which I am going to use for the rites

Spell to heal of skin illness Fountain Saint-Fiacre 11$

This fountain healed the lepers!
The water, the sources, magic fountains since the antiquity and the middle ages were always the object of faiths and beliefs.
Fountains nourish the earth and are in connection with the death, in connection with the divine strengths and the sky.
The water of this fountain is the main ingredient of this spell. I will ship it in a small bottle you will keep and use.
I listed in 2016 the most interesting fountains and collected several water cansisters which I am going to use for the rites !

Spell to get pregnant fountain of saint Guénolé 11$

The water, the sources, magic fountains since the antiquity and the middle ages were always the object of faiths and beliefs.
Fountains nourish the earth and are in connection with the death, in connection with the divine strengths and the sky.
The water of this fountain is the main ingredient of this spell. I will ship it in a small bottle you will keep and use.
I listed in 2016 the most interesting fountains and collected several water cansisters which I am going to use for the rites!

Spell fertility/belly pain fountain Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie 11$

The water, the sources, magic fountains since the antiquity and the middle ages were always the object of faiths and beliefs.
Fountains nourish the earth and are in connection with the death, in connection with the divine strengths and the sky.
The water of this fountain is the main ingredient of this spell. I will ship it in a small bottle you will keep and use.
I listed in 2016 the most interesting fountains and collected several water cansisters which I am going to use for the rites !